Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My favourite food is the hainanese chicken rice,as the taste is unique.I have started to like eating it from the very first time that I have ate it,which was when I was five years old
There are many factors which I like about the Hainanese chicken rice.The skin is soft and chewy,the meat is succulent and so on so forth.
The texture of the skin is smooth and you can even swallow the meat the feel when the smooth skin of the meat into the throat is unique and feels good.The smell of the chicken rice freshly cooked has a special fragrance and provides a good appeite for the eater.The chicken rice is food for the eyes as well as it looks well and does not gives you a bad appetite.
The chicken rice has a unique flavour and that is why I like it more than any other food in the country.Those and the taste makes it truly unique and is indeed a wonderful and cheap delicacy for the eater.And the food is easily found,which is convenient for the people who do not have the time to go to places.Blog post#1:My december holidays and the first day of school

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:08 AM

Name of article:Over 1b flu vaccine orders
This article speaks of the Northern hemisphere countries ordering more than a billion of H1N1 vaccines for the countries.Countries such as Greece, The Netherlands, Canada and Israel
ordered enough double doses to inoculate their entire populations.
I personally feel that this act of theirs is deeply unnecessary as it causes a shortage for the other countries and the other countries
may have to do selective vaccinating which may cause more lives to be lost.
The countries certainly do not need that many vaccines and should be wise enough to buy just enough vaccines for what they need,so as to allow
other countries to save more people.
The companies could not keep up with the demand for these vaccines due to the slow reproduction rate of the strain and the WHO should look into this and get more companies to work on this problem and solve it as soon as possible,so as to settle the demand problems.
In conclusion,i feel that the Northen hemisphere countries should be ordering less vaccines and the Southern hemisphere countries
should order more countries to save their citizens.WHO should also look into the possibilities of employing more companies producing the strain so as to imcrease the production rate.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:08 AM

The topic for today is: Why is it important for students to keep up to date with the news? Share some tips on how students can keep up with what is happening around them and around the world.
It is important for students to keep up with what is happening around them as the students will be the leaders of the future and they will need to be alert of what is happening
around them.
The students can read newspapers,listen to the radio or go to online newspaper websites.As the saying goes,knowledge is power,when you know what happens around the entire world,
you can be known as knowledgeable.
When the students read the news,they know of mistakes of which some government or oraganization makes and when they grow up to hold some position of power,they will take heed to not
make the same mistakes as the people that they read about.
In conclusion,the students should keep up with the news through the vast amount of multimedia resources that we currently have and not lose track of the world or they will be known as the frog down the well.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:05 AM

The topic today is What are some tips you would offer fellow students to stay healthy?
I would encourage those who are sick to just remain in bed and recuperate as their bodies need time to recover from the illness and thus they should not be sleeping late to work on
projects,do homework or playing computer games.Staying up late when your body is still frail from the illness is irresponsible as it harms you body and if you fall sick again,it is
troublesome for your parents.
Those who are healthy should cherish their health and take homework for those who are not in school due to sickness.They should do more exercise and eat more fruits so as to
boost their immunity system.
Fruits are a very important part of a healthy diet as it boosts your immunity syatem and contain lots of vitamins to strengthen the body.It is especially important to take in lots
of vitamins in emergencies such as the current situation.
In conclusion,those who are sick should focuse on recuperating and those who aren't should take care of their own body.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:05 AM

The topic for today is :What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school?
In my opinion,home learning is a more flexible way of learning,for example: during normal school days,I normally have to wake up at 5.15 in order to catch the bus,but during
home learning,I could wake up as late as 7.30 to finish my work.It provides me with ease and allows me to learn at my own rate,even though some teacher like to spam us with
homework through the website where we can't complain.(I'm not mentioning names).
In a way,it is certainly a much more effective way of learning than going to school,but unlike
in school,you cannot get immediate answers from the teachers,you have to either post a question on their websites and patiently wait for their reply or you leave it blank and ask
when you go back to school.
In conclusion,the home learning certainly is a effective way of learning.However,I personally feel that learning in school is better as it allows us
access to the vast knowledge of the teachers.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:03 AM

My favourite poet is Homer.I have read some of his works such as the Odyssey,his biography is completely unknown and it might even be possible that he completely did not exist.
He is traditionally known as blind and various Ionian cities are claimed to be his birthplace.His works are highly superstitious as was the tradition in Ancient Greece.HIs work
talks about ten years after the Fall of Troy, the Greek hero Odysseus still has not returned to his kingdom in Ithaca. A large and rowdy mob of suitors who have overrun Odysseus's palace and pillaged his land continue to court his wife, Penelope. She has remained faithful to Odysseus. Prince Telemachus, Odysseus's son, wants desperately to throw them out but does not have the confidence or experience to fight them. One of the suitors, Antinous, plans to assassinate the young prince, eliminating the only opposition to their dominion over the palace.
Unknown to the suitors and his son and wife,Odysseus was actually alive except that he was imprisoned on Oggyia an island belonging to a nymph who fell in love with Oddysseus.
I feel that his works are deep as the story is full of the poems and i may sometimes have to spend some time figuring out the meaning of each poem,which adds to the trill of reading
the book.I feel that he has great spiritual strength as he make wonderful poems even though he is blind.His story are about the gods and somehow relates to our current life,
such as the gods having affairs with normal humans which relates to the current society with people having affairs.His most famous works are The Odyssey,and The Iliad.
"A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king."This is quoted from Homer in The Iliad,I think it is interesting as it speaks of only having one
ruler instead of a multitude of rulers,it is a good way to prevent war from breaking out as the ruler will have supreme control so that there would not be any wars.
So little is known or even guessed of his actual life, that a common joke has it that the poems "were not written by Homer, but by another man of the same name," and the classical scholar Richmond Lattimore, author of a good poetic translation to English of both epics, once wrote a paper entitled "Homer: Who Was She?".
This shows how little about Homer is known,which makes him very mysterious.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:02 AM

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.
1.The words are "Let us leave this place".It is hyperbole as it exaggerates and tries to include the reader into the peom.The writer chose this style as it gives a feeling that
the writer himself is reading out the poem to the reader."the moon-bird rests from his flight",it is personification as the moon is described as something which rests.The writer
chose this style as he wants to make the character feel more familiar to the reader through making the moon feel humane."the dark street winds and bends,"It is a metaphor.The
chose this style as he wants to describe the street as something of evil thus saying that the street winds and bends which shows complicity and resembles a snake which is known as
a "evil" animal."this place where the smoke blows black",It is the style of symbolism.The writer chose this style as it shows the dislike the writer has of the place as the smoke
symbolises the corruption and pollution of the place.
2.I like the poem as it has a somewhat optimistic approach as in the first stave of the poem,it depicts the end of the sidewalk as something that the writer looks forward to
as it can be observed from the sentences saying phrases like "There the sun burns crimson bright".The poem also has a deeper meaning as the sidewalk in the story could refer to the
sidewalk of life and that the writer believes that at the very end of the sidewalk of life,there would be pleasant stuff waiting for them after all the suffering in life.
The poem also teaches about enviromental issues as it talks about the smoke coming out of the factories which depicts the pollution that we have now.

Vongola cloud garden @ 5:59 AM

Imagine you are Dr Tan and that you have been invited to make an article contribution to a youth magazine to encourage young people to set worthwhile goals and work towards them.
Everytime you see someone on the newspaper for doing something impressive,the first thing you would think is"That guy did it because he was a genius or he was special."But do you know that the people who does impressive stuff such as breaking a world record are really just ordinary people,in fact,if you met them on the street,you wouldn't even know that he/she broke a world record.So,what mekes these people so different,why can they break world records,while you're at home studying,it's because there were misfortunes happening to them,misfortunes that made them emotionally strong,stronger than what you would call a "normal human".For me,the incident that made me want to break the world record was the death of my beloved daughter.I continued on the marathons just because of her,i wanted to raise funds for the sick,so nobody would die like she did.Teens,I know you feel that life is boring,but once you set a goal and move slowly towards it,you will find that life is worthwhile

Vongola cloud garden @ 5:58 AM

A conversation between Phillip Malloy and his parents:
Mr Malloy:So son,everything fine at school?
Phillip:People in this school stare at me just like at Harrison,i'm so sick and tired of all this.
Mrs Malloy:How come?Don't they support you singing the national anthem?
Phillip:Yes they do,Mom,they sing it every morning
Mr Malloy:Then why do they stare at you?

Phillip:They got me to lead the class in singing it,but i just couldn't sing it.
Mrs Malloy:Why,dear?
Phillip:I don't know the lyrics,I'm sorry,I lied when speaking to the reporter.I just......I just wanted to get out of Ms. Narwin's class so much that I just had to do it.
Silence filled the room.
Conversation between two onlookers:
Mrs Tan:What's happening here?
Mrs Loh:The body of a boy was found drifting near the river this morning
The body near the river belonged to Phillip Malloy......

Vongola cloud garden @ 5:55 AM

As the chairman of the Farmer's Cooperative in Jiangsu,you wamt to create awareness of the hardships the farmers are experiencing due to the reforestation/conservation project by the officials.Prepare a speech you are going to make during the Governer's annual "Meet the People"session about the farmer's hardships.Speech:Good morning,I am the chairman of the Farmer's Cooperation.As all of you may now,Jiangsu is getting more and popular as a city and is attracting more and more people every year.With the Zhang jia jie forest park being such a popular tourist attraction,the tourism industry here will surely thrive,but to reforest the land for the zhang jia jie forest park,farmers land was used and as a result,farmers are suffering from that.My suggestion is that the government pay a sum of money,to reinburse their losses.By doing so,the famers will not be too much affected by the loss of part of their land,as the money given can counterbalance the loss of the money which could have been gotten if they still had their land.

Vongola cloud garden @ 5:54 AM

Apparently,I started out like any other ordinary boy, quickly settling into a routine of computer games,badminton and basketball.however, not soon after,i quickly discovered how boring it was to have so much time to play flash games. Thus,i started watching anime and reading manga.The picture on my blog is that of Hibari,a character from my favourite anime and manga,Katekyo Hitman Reborn.I like skating too,so on the last day of 2008,my tuition teacher took me to East Coast Park to skate,quite a good way to end the year,don't you think?
Then on the first day of school i got scolded by Mrs Raj.Why???I didn't hand in the white card because i left it at home.What a totally lousy way to start the new year.Maybe it's the stress of secondary school life or maybe they miss the old days,anyway,my primary school friends started to send messages to me everyday,plus the messages from from Andrew,i would send around roughly send at least thirty messages.Luckily i'm using a plan or else if i was using a prepaid card,it would run out in what,maybe half a month,maximum two months.I finally found out how much homework one gets when in secondary school,exhausting is the only word i could use to descibe it.

Vongola cloud garden @ 5:52 AM
