Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The topic today is What are some tips you would offer fellow students to stay healthy?
I would encourage those who are sick to just remain in bed and recuperate as their bodies need time to recover from the illness and thus they should not be sleeping late to work on
projects,do homework or playing computer games.Staying up late when your body is still frail from the illness is irresponsible as it harms you body and if you fall sick again,it is
troublesome for your parents.
Those who are healthy should cherish their health and take homework for those who are not in school due to sickness.They should do more exercise and eat more fruits so as to
boost their immunity system.
Fruits are a very important part of a healthy diet as it boosts your immunity syatem and contain lots of vitamins to strengthen the body.It is especially important to take in lots
of vitamins in emergencies such as the current situation.
In conclusion,those who are sick should focuse on recuperating and those who aren't should take care of their own body.

Vongola cloud garden @ 6:05 AM
